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LED Tube Lights Create Benefits in Multiple Office Areas

Commercial real estate properties may benefit from utilizing LED tube lights throughout their offices, as these can create tremendous benefits when looking to be both energy efficient and save on electric bills.
Exit stairs benefit from LED lighting
The exit stairs can produce significant savings for a building’s energy costs. This is because the lights only use 15 watts of energy for every four feet of lighting, the article noted. This makes it much more efficient than other lighting options, especially fluorescent options. These areas need to be lit at all times, due to safety requirements in many buildings. However, even though they never turn off, these items only cost fewer than $35 to run year-round. This is approximately $15 more efficient than any other option, and would only cost a maximum of $150 for each light to be installed.
Offices also reap LED benefits
Office space can also be a place to save money on lighting, and the period that the lights are is typically far less than in exit stairs, the article explained. Lights are on in offices between eight and 10 hours each day for five days a week. However, there is not typically a huge difference between the savings for fluorescent options and LED lighting. This is due to the heightened installation costs for LEDs, as fluorescent lights are much less expensive, despite not saving as much energy. LED tubes only save about $5 each on an annual basis in an office setting. However, there is a way to make LED lights save the office more money.

Combining both options is important
Due to the LED options only saving a slightly higher amount of money than fluorescent lights in the office setting, the article added that it may be important for companies to look toward the combination of the two options. By ensuring that the office saves money by using better lighting, the long-term goals of reaching government retrofit incentives can be reached. This is, in part, because exit stairs equipped with the lighting can save as much as three times the amount of fluorescent options. The minimum return on investment from government programs is 10 percent, but the areas with constant lighting have a return of more than 30 percent, on average.
If you own or are considering a commercial building purchase and are interested in evaluating whether an energy system would have long-term benefits for your buildings, just consider LED tube lights as the lighting solution, you will get both huge electricity bill saving and healthier light quality.
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Written by: Unknown - Sunday, October 14, 2012

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