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Friday, October 12, 2012

Interesting Facts about LED Tube Lights

Environment awareness is now enhancing in the whole globe. Therefore, the need for the energy efficient lights is also increasing with the time. People are now searching options of the lights which can replace the traditional lights, reduce power consumption for home and office. They also have to be very much functional while being cost effective. For these people, LED tube lights can be a solution. Many people will ask what is LED light. So the answer is LED means Light-Emitting Diode. It includes tiny semiconductor chips which can transform electricity into light so it can pass via the LEDs.

Conventional luminous lights generate light as a second output from a severely heated mono filament which requires a high amount of energy. But the LEDs transform the energy which flows from itself to generate light. It is mostly twice effective than the regular luminous bulbs. Current research in Fluorescent lights has made the handy fluorescent lights known as CFLs. It is gaining popularity among users for the energy conservation method. But the LED lights for home are more capable for energy conservation compare to it, if you compare to the long term run and lifetime of the product for the home.
LED tube lights can sustain 50-75 higher than the luminous bulbs and 6 to 8 times more than the CFLs. Of course, the initial cost of the LEDs is higher than the luminous and fluorescent lights but eventually it will be paid off with the cost effectiveness and lifespan of the lights. They are save cost and the energy for the long time. In the meantime, there are some health and environment issues related to the fluorescent lighting. Many of the fluorescent lights have mercury in its substances which are highly dangerous to the mankind. It is tough to dispose.
Since CFLs are generally have very small quantity of mercury but still it is harmful if exposed in outer environment. If the disposal is not proper, it can create long term health issues and the threats to the soil, water and architecture. Also, the phosphor coating of the CFL coating adds risks when broke or damaged. Fluorescent lights also causes the irritation and headache problems. Sometimes it can cause the vision and eye problems. LED lights remove the flickering issue, common with other types of lights.

Installing LED Tube Lights for Lower Electricity Bills

If you care about your surroundings and have been tired of using those harsh fluorescent lights or halogen bulbs around you, then you might just need to change. LED tube lights are a better option than those traditional light sources that we all use. How? Well, they are more economical, energy efficient, conserve power, lower our electricity bills and moreover get those hazardous fluorescent or other potentially dangerous incandescent lights out of our lives for good. Getting LED lights installed is the best way to save money and go green to protect the earth and your own lives as well.
Coming to the installation and fixture of LED tube lights, now how you will be doing this is a bit tricky. You can simply not get LED lights fixed into the same fixture you might have had for fluorescent lights earlier. Installation of the LED light will need some definite modifications to be done around the fixture of the fluorescent light for sure. Now a fluorescent light fixture consists of three main components; the fluorescent tube light; ballast; and finally the starter. Depending on the type of fluorescent light fixture you might be using, the starter system might have its own usages. In some fixtures it is not required at all, in some it is already built in into the ballast and in some it can be a replaceable component. So when you want to fix a LED light into the same fixture of the fluorescent light, the first thing that you will need to do will be disconnecting the starter and the ballast.
Keep in mind that the LED tube lights you intend to install are of the same shape and size as the fixture that is already wired in your homes. You can easily find the tube lights of the same size in the market and it will save you the hassle of getting new fixtures wired in for the installation of the LED tube lights. The job can be left to an electrician to do but when you are intent on setting about fixing the replacement led light into the old fixture yourselves make sure that the power is off. In cases when the power cannot be cut off to that specific fixture, the use of insulating gloves and a wooden ladder to reach the fixture should not be ignored at all.
Setting about the task yourselves can be a bit of a hassle as it might involve a lot of wire work. You will have to disconnect the cover or the holder along with the ballast when you will be fixing in the new LED tube lights or bulbs. After you are done removing the reflector you will then need to install and rewire the holders for each and every LED tube light separately before you can put the lights into them. Once it is done, and your LED lights are installed you will now get half your electricity bills as far as lighting is concerned.

How Do LED Grow Lights Offer A Superior Grow Solution

There are many different types of grow lights available for indoor gardening. You will see HID, high intensity discharge; MH, metal halide; and HPS, high pressure sodium, grow lamps advertised for use in greenhouses and all types of indoor plant growing situations. LED grow lights are also now available, and offer a superior solution to indoor plant lighting than was previously available.
The LED grow light is quite a bit lighter in weight than other types of traditional grow lamps. This is because HID, MH and HPS lights all require the use of a ballast in order for them to function properly. Reflectors, to cast a larger pool of light on the plants, are also used with HPS light bulbs and others, adding to the bulk of the equipment. Because the lights are usually suspended in some fashion over the plants, weight is an important consideration, especially if lights must be regularly raised and lowered for plant maintenance chores, such as watering, to occur, as well as an appropriate distance from the plants to be adhered to. With certain high-end LED grow lights, they come with built-in fans, negating the need for air-cooled reflectors and ducting.
Ability To Change Light Spectrum
Plants grow best under certain light spectrums based on the plants’ stages of growth. Young seedlings get the light they need to grow strong and sturdy stems when they are grown under the blue light spectrum offered by HPS lights, among others. Mature plants that are ready to reproduce and set fruit or flowers require light in the red and orange spectrum, which certain HPS lights make available.  You can find an HPS light bulb that is geared toward blue or red spectrum, but it does not have the ability to offer both spectrums. This means that you will need to start out with one grow lamp bulb, and then will need to change it out as the plants mature.
All of this is simpler when you use an LED grow light. LED grow lights offer you a single lamp that will produce both red and blue light spectrums. Better quality LED grow lights utilize knobs that you simply turn to change the spectrum of the bulb.
LED Lights Cost Less To Operate Than HPS Light Bulbs
Although the initial purchase price of an LED light is often more expensive than an HPS light, there is a big price difference is the cost of operating the different grow lamps. Superior LED grow lights use only one-eighth the electricity to produce the same amount of light as an HPS grow lamp, saving you much money over the life of the grow light. The tiny LED diodes can also be configured by the manufacturer in order to offer a larger lit area than traditional grow lamps.
The choice is clear: LED Grow Light are the way to go for indoor garden lighting.

Brief to Keep Proper Aquarium Lighting

Almost all the aquariums come with lighting already installed, but if you are looking for really different, you can go for led aquarium lighting online shop. On the top of all, the lighting in your aquarium should be enough if it’s fluorescent, if it is in freshwater tanks, while if you are planning for a saltwater aquarium, better lighting is a must.
Fluorescent lighting holds fish the healthiest as it corresponds to the natural light. You should avoid the use of incandescent lighting as it emits heat and possibly causing harm to your fish.
If your aquarium contains only fish, its better use 3 watts of lighting for each gallon of water in the tank. This much light will be quite enough to control algae perfectly. More light may trigger the formation of the green algae. Think of change the lights once each 8 months to keep a uniform light level going.
If you are planning to keep your aquarium with plants, you are required to get different arrangement of the lighting. But, often people went for wrong arrangement of the lighting that may result into the plants to wither and die within short period of time. If you want to keep plants flourish and alive longer, install a tri-phosphor tube or full spectrum fluorescent bulb that renders the necessary amount of light. But, a full spectrum bulb with the red, blue, and green parts of the light spectrum can work for most number of setups.
Apart from the fish and plant, if you’re going to add other elements to the mix, such as coral or live rocks your requirement of the light will be more, as corals require large amounts of light, between 5 and 8 watts.
If you are planning to begin with just fish, and then blow up, leverage an aquarium with quad for two tubes that will enable you to so make the arrangement of lighting as per your needs change.
As per your lighting needs to keep the fish, plants, and other features alive and well and to enjoy your aquarium for years to come, make a choice for proper lighting.

Are LED Light Bulbs Worth The High Cost?

The Republicans caved. In order to get the government spending bill passed, on Dec. 16, Republicans agreed to put on hold the implementation of a bill that would require more efficient light bulbs which, in the minds of many, meant the end of the much loved (and cheap) incandescent bulb. Proponents of the bill were quick to say that the incandescent bulb would still be available but in a more efficient form, and opponents argued that consumers should decide what kind of bulbs they buy instead of Congress.
TUTORIAL: Economics Basics
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, consumers did decide. Energy and Commerce Secretary Fred Upton said, “We heard the message loud and clear from Americans who don’t want government standards determining how they light their homes.”
Americans are clearly opposed to the bill, but is it time we unshackle ourselves from the old incandescent bulbs and embrace new technology, and will our wallets thank us?
Is the Light Still Weird?
If you remember when compact florescent light bulbs first hit the market, the light they emitted was, for a lack of a more elegant term, weird. It was kind of green but also kind of white. It wasn’t pleasing to the eye and as it warmed up, the light changed. This caused many to abandon the technology and go back to the incandescent bulb.
The new compact fluorescent bulbs are nearly indistinguishable from the old incandescent bulbs but once again, they’re being abandoned for the new LED light bulb. LEDs power the new traffic lights, flashlights and TVs but now they can power your home and the light is described as a soft white light similar to incandescent bulbs.
The Calculations
Unless there’s a good reason to purchase these bulbs, why pay the extra money? LED light bulbs are expensive. Prices start at $10 for a standard bulb and floodlights can cost as much as $100, but the cost of a bulb isn’t as important as the money you pay to operate it.
First, let’s assume that we’re looking for the best way to produce 50,000 hours of light equal to an incandescent 100 watt light bulb. One, 100 watt incandescent bulb costs about 40 cents and to produce 50,000 hours of light, you’ll need approximately 50 bulbs based on a life of 1,000 hours. That makes the cost of the bulbs about $20. Since an incandescent bulb requires 100 watts equal to 5,000 kilowatt hours of energy, that will cost more than $500 making the total approximate cost of our 50,000 hours of energy, $520.
Instead of 40 cents for the incandescent bulb, we had to pay $40 for the LED equivalent which, admittedly, is quite a case of sticker shock but to get 50,000 hours of light, we’re only going to need two bulbs that use no more than 11 watts of energy equaling 540 kilowatt hours. The cost to power those bulbs is only about $58. Although we paid $80 up front, we had a total cost of only $138 or a 73% savings over the incandescent equivalent.
The Bottom Line
The above calculations will vary largely depending on the cost of the electricity as well as the current prices of light bulbs, but the cost savings of LED bulbs is clear. There’s no doubt that the upfront cost of the more efficient bulbs is a stumbling block for some, if you can afford it, but the new LED bulbs offer a dramatic cost savings over the life of the bulb. How many light bulbs do you have in your home that could be replaced by LEDs?